Welcome to the Village Allotments page. On this page you will find details of the locations of our allotments, how to apply for an allotment as well as details about how things are run.
The village of Claydon has a small but thriving area of allotments located on the edge of the Playing Field off Apple Tree road.
As well as being a very ‘green’ thing to do, the Parish Council believes that an allotment provides a healthy way of life for people of all ages, and is very much a ‘family’ thing to do. Allotments are also a very organic way (forgive the pun!) of creating a thriving community among like-minded people. We hope also that this enhances our ambition to maximise biodiversity and encourage birds and insects to flourish as we care for the soil. Claydon with Clattercote Parish Council is able to provide 16 allotment plots for residents of the Parish to use.
There are of course a number of rules for those using the allotments and allotment holders are required to sign a Tenancy Agreement at the point of taking on a plot. It is important for all that plots are well maintained. The Parish Council inspects the site a minimum of twice a year. Keeping an allotment is quite a commitment in terms of time spent up there during the winter as well as the growing months, any plots that aren’t maintained or used will be reclaimed so that others can use them instead.
To access the Tenancy Agreement Form please click here: Model Tenancy Allotment Agreement
Dogs – to be kept on a lead, on owner’s plot and dog foul removed from site.
Chickens – allowed with prior written consent from Claydon with Clattercote Parish Council (CWCPC). Cockerels are not permitted.
Written request to CWCPC and written approval from CWCPC is needed to erect any structure such as a shed, poly tunnel or greenhouse.
The site has a coded padlock on the entrance gates. Code changes are currently communicated by email to allotment holders and must not be shared with anyone. Codes must be scrambled after entry & exit.
It is essential the gates are kept padlocked at all times in order to keep the area as secure as possible.
Unfortunately we don’t have a secure area for the safekeeping of machinery and tools so you will need to bring these down when you tend your plot.
Would you like to take on a plot?
Do you REALLY want an allotment? This is the first question to ask yourself. Do you have the resources to clear and manage an allotment?
Although we try very hard to ensure that no allotment is allowed to go wild, it can happen for a variety of reasons. Initial clearance of a difficult plot requires a lot of hard work, particularly if it has previously been abandoned for a time. You need to be sure that you have the capacity yourself, or with the help of others, to take this on. You may decide to use a total herbicide before you start to clear the ground and you may need to make or bring in a compost bin. It all takes time and energy!
Do you have the time it takes to manage an allotment and to keep it in good condition?
Managing an allotment is an all-year-round activity.
Winter, the plot needs to be cleared, manured, and there is planting to do, and the summer months are when weeds try to undo all your previous hard work! Especially in the summer, your allotment will require several visits every week. Plots get overgrown very quickly and require constant attention, so don’t underestimate the time needed to maintain your allotment in good condition. Talk to existing growers about the time they spend tending their plots.
A final consideration is that there isn’t currently a water supply to the area so plot holders either keep water-buts on their plot, or transport water from home as needed.
If you would like to discuss taking on an Allotment please contact the Parish Clerk by email through the Parish website.
We currently have just one plot vacant. In order to secure a plot, the Tenant is required to leave a deposit of £50 with the Parish Council. This is returnable at the end of the tenure provided the plot is returned clear of debris and in a manageable state.
In the event all plots are taken then we do run a waiting list for applicants.
As plots become available, we contact the residents who are on our waiting list to offer them a plot.