Council Responsibilities

Provision of buildings for public meetings and functions, use by clubs, etc. Claydon has only one village meeting place, the Church Rooms. The Church Rooms are owned by St James the Great Parochial Church Council, not by the Parish Council, and are administered by a separate committee led by Clive Mutch. The Rooms are available for public hire. Guidance on how to hire the Church Rooms are available ‘Around the Village’ section of the website, on the drop down menu on the Home Page.

Provision of litter bins and dog waste bins are available in the village – outside the church, next to the bus stop and on the playing field. Dog poo bags are also available on the Playing Field, just inside the gate on the left.

Open Spaces and Parks
Provision and maintenance of public open spaces, pleasure grounds and public walks. The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the Playing field, described below.

Playing Fields
Village Playing Field & Allotments. The Parish Council maintains the Playing Field and the children’s play area in the Playing Field. The Play area undergoes a full safety check by an external company in July each year and the Parish Council is responsible any repairs and maintenance highlighted through that process.

Roadside Verges
Grass maintenance carried out to many areas within the village.

Provision and maintenance of public seats on highway. A number of seats have been provided. The village Survey, 2023, highlighted that more benches are desired by villagers. The Parish Council has met with Highways to start this process and funding has been allocated.

The Bus shelter in the village was provided and is maintained by the parish Council supported by the Community Task Force Volunteers. 

Powers to erect signs which warn of dangers or announce a name or indicate a bus stop.  Signage is arranged through Highways.

Traffic Calming
Powers to investigate the management and control of traffic in the local area and to contribute towards expenses incurred by the Highway Authority in providing traffic calming works for local benefit.  The Parish Council is currently planning to install the first set of Gateways into the village. As well as smartening up the entrance to the village, there is evidence that gateways can influence (slow down) traffic driving into the village.

Power to plant and maintain. Numerous trees have been planted by the Parish Council over the years and these are monitored and managed on a continuous basis.

Above all the Parish Council is there to listen to views of all villagers and to represent their views centrally, thereby influencing change and improvements in the community. Please email any ideas you have to the Parish Councillors (see the Contact Us tab). Parish Council meetings are open to the public and there is a formal Public Session on the agenda at meetings which gives people the opportunity to express ideas and views.

The Annual Parish Meeting is an important village gathering which also gives the opportunity for villagers to meet up and share ideas. Different groups within the village are invited to report on their organisations activities for that year.