Church news and Services

St James the Great, Claydon, St Mary the Virgin, Cropredy

All Saints, Great Bourton, All Saints, Mollington

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington

The Vicar, Reverend Sarah Fenby, and the Church wardens welcome all to St James the Great Church, Claydon. Our village church is part of the Shires Edge Benefice which includes St Mary’s Cropredy, All Saints Great Bourton, All Saints Mollington and St Mary Magdalene Wardington. Sarah is supported by Sue Upton (Lay Preacher), Rev’d Lynda Alcock, Siobhan and Rebecca Croft and Bishop Jonathan Meyrick. There are services across the benefice each week, please click on the Service Schedule below for further information.

Services in Claydon are held twice a month: The second Sunday of the month has an Evening Prayer or Family Service at 4pm; and on the 4th Sunday the Family Communion is at 11am. Both are followed by refreshments. Children of any age are welcome, we never mind noisy play and excited toddlers in our gatherings!

The church is open 7 days a week. Please feel welcome to pop in any time to have a look round or for some quiet time of reflection. There is a paper Guide that gives you the history of this beautiful building. Alternatively click here and download a copy: Church Guide 2024.

If you would like to speak to someone about a Christening, Wedding or Funeral please contact Reverend Sarah Fenby on 01295 750486 or 07747181868. Email: [email protected]

Some of the main festivals and services of the year include: Harvest Festival (October), Remembrance Service (close to 11th November), Christmas Carol Service, Blessing of the Crib and Christmas services. Prior to Easter the Diocese runs a Lent Course, ‘Come and See’, which we will signpost you to closer to the time. Easter is the highlight of the Christian year and so the Easter Services are extra special, please come and join us for any of these. Children and families are always welcome at services, please dont worry about noise and play during services, no one minds at all! Furthermore children are included in reading lessons and other activities where possible.

St James the Great 2023 Annual Report

St James the Great 2023 Annual Report

Please find attached below, a list of the services for the current month.